Barber Supplier Nordic - Produktkatalog 2022/23 - Katalog - Sida 325
THE ART OF SHAVING, set of 3 with frame
Reproduktioner från Barber Instructor and Toilet Manual av Frank Clyde Bridgeford, publicerad för första gången 1904. Den ses
som en klassiker och kan fortfarande läsas via Forgotten Books som har restaurerat boken i ett nytryck.
The first very important thing is to get your man in a nice comfortable and easy position in the chair. Put a towel down around his neck, using a clean
towel for each man. Rinse the cup or mug out for every man thoroughly. Put the water in the mug, then turn it out so that all will run out but what will
stay on the brush, then make the lather. Commence lathering on the right cheek, holding your thumb to the ear so as to keep the lather from going
into the ear, then lather the left side in the same manner. Rub the lather over the face taking the brush in your left hand and rub gently with your right
across the chin being careful not to get the lather too far down on neck or too far up on the cheek. Never be in any hurry in lathering. Rub until the
beard is thoroughly softened. An old saying is “A man well lathered is half shaved”. The same proverb is true today.
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